Responsible Business

Rutland Sheds Ltd recognise that all industrial processes have the potential to cause environmental harm and that the world's resources are not limitless. We are committed to developing our business towards ecological, social and economic sustainability. These tasks are recognised as shared responsibilities within Rutland enabling a continuous improvement of our operations. Therefore we accept a social and moral responsibility for putting into place environmentally friendly measures.


Rutland Sheds Ltd appreciate that expressing concern for the environment is not a substitute for positive action in favour of the environment. Our objective is to supply customers with products and services that satisfy various needs related to timber constructed buildings, fencing and associated products. These products are produced from raw materials from sustainable forests ensuring the needs of future generations. The concept of product life cycle is considered guiding our environmental activities and provides the framework for our efforts. We expect the same commitment from our suppliers and partners so that at every stage, from raw material to the end product, the impact on the environment will be minimised.

Waste Management

At Rutland Sheds Ltd we are very conscious of the way all of our waste materials are disposed of. Great care is taken to separate all forms of waste and place it into its correct containers where it is collected on a regular basis and taken to the recycling centre. Through measurement and examination of the impact of our own activities, we seek to eliminate or reduce pollution.

Rutland Sheds Ltd has made a conscious policy decision to explore every avenue open to us to ensure that care of the environment is a key consideration in our work practices, processes and methods of operation.